AMTAC is a leading maritime and transport international dispute resolution body. As a commission of ACICA (an independent, not-for-profit organisation), AMTAC is dedicated to the promotion and development of alternative dispute resolution and to advancing Australia’s profile as one of the region’s premier seats for resolving cross-border disputes, particularly those in the maritime and transport industries.
AMTAC has 10 years experience assisting parties effectively resolve disputes. It provides a full range of administrative and other services to assist with the efficient and timely conduct of international arbitration, regardless of location.
To achieve its objectives, AMTAC promotes the use of a Model Arbitration Clause and of the AMTAC Arbitration Rules. AMTAC also offers Rocket Docket procedure for less complex and lower value claims.
Importance of maritime-specific dispute resolution expertise
Currently, there are 26,000 ship port calls involving over 3000 different ships at 70 Australian ports each year to exchange 580 million tonnes of cargo with a value in excess of $A190 billion. Ships carry 99.5% of Australia’s trade by volume and 74% by value (Shipping Australia website).
The volume of trade by sea, across both imports and exports flowing through Australian ports will increase significantly in the coming years. The Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics Research Report 138 ‘Containerised and non-containerised trade through Australian ports to 2032-33’ (December 2014) indicates :
- Australia’s sea trade will double over the next 20 years, largely due to the continuing positive economic outlook for Australia and its major trading partners
- Total containerised trade through Australian ports, which is evenly distributed between exports (49.5 per cent by mass) and imports (50.5 per cent), is projected to increase by 5.1 per cent a year over the next 20 years
- Australia’s non-containerised trade is dominated by exports, which accounted for 89.6 per cent of total non-containerised trade volumes in 2012–13
- Total non-containerised trade through Australian ports is projected to increase by 3.9 per cent a year over the next 20 years
There is a clear need for specialised maritime dispute resolution services to cater for the increasing volumes and to provide relevant expertise required for complex maritime disputes. AMTAC provides this expertise.